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Privacy Policy & Disclaimer

Last updated May 23, 2023

The views and advice presented on are for informational and general purposes only. They are Suri’s personal opinions, offered in good faith and are not intended as legal, medical, financial, personal or professional advice, nor are they intended to be.

Important: Investment and financial decisions involve inherent risk, which Suri will not be held liable for, in any way, shape or form. Please consult a licensed financial professional or tax attorney, for legal advice relating to your situation.

Affiliate Disclosure  

Any recommendation that includes a link is published only if Suri honestly believes the product or service may benefit or appeal to her audience. is a participant in the Amazon EU Sàrl Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon’s website, to no additional cost to the you, the reader or customer.


The only information I have access to or collect, is information that you voluntarily give me by subscribing to, writing comments on posts, or other direct contact from you. Basically, that’s just your name and email. I take your privacy seriously and will not sell, rent, give or share your information with anyone.  

As a subscriber, you may receive email alerts about new posts, announcements, products or services, or changes to this privacy policy. You’re always able to cancel your subscription by using the “unsubscribe” option under each newsletter or by contacting me directly at uses cookies from Google Analytics in order to track page views and site traffic. While no personally identifiable information is revealed, this tracking information from Google helps me to better understand the general demographic profile of my visitors and their interests.  

When third-party links (i.e. for a book, podcast or website recommendation) are offered on Suri’s website, these sites have their own separate and independent privacy policies. I bears no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites. On the other hand, I do want to protect the integrity of this site and value your opinions, so I welcome any feedback about these sites.  

Changes to This Privacy Policy

In the event I change or modify this privacy policy, I will alert you about the change via email. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy, you may contact me via the contact form.

Copyright & Terms of Use  

All content on this site is royalty-free or the property of Suri Stahel (a.k.a. Suriya Stahel) and All rights, worldwide and in all media, are reserved.

If your would like to share, re-post or re-publish my work, I’m flattered, but please contact me first for permission.